LRRbot Quotes

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Please keep in mind that many of the following quotes are taken out of context, be it for comedic effect or out of necessity. Take all of them with a grain of salt and bear in mind they don't necessarily reflect their originators' views and opinions. That being said, if you find any quote to be particularly awful, please notify the moderator of your choice to have its removal evaluated.
  1. #6972
    Saying 'no' is a skill.
    — Cameron [2020-05-27]
    Sid Meier's Civilization VI on Let's NOPE
  2. #6971
    Excuse me, I'm here to beat you up!
    — Kathleen [2020-05-27]
    Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE on Let's NOPE
  3. #6970
    There are no stakes, in any game, ever.
    — James [2020-05-26]
    Minecraft Dungeons on Mine O'Clock
  4. #6969
    Y'all look so good, I look like an idiot.
    — James [2020-05-26]
    Minecraft Dungeons on Mine O'Clock
  5. #6968
    You've been very good people who've been lighting so many things on fire...
    — Kathleen [2020-05-25]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  6. #6967
    I think it'll all burn in the end.
    — Kathleen [2020-05-25]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  7. #6966
    'I believe in you!' 'The dice don't.'
    — Kathleen and Serge [2020-05-25]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  8. #6965
    Dousing things with gasoline is a free action in this campaign.
    — Kathleen [2020-05-25]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  9. #6964
    Sausage me up, Santa...
    — Ian, reluctantly [2020-05-24]
    Runner3 on Rhythm Cafe
  10. #6963
    I have telomeres too, you're not special!
    — Cameron [2020-05-24]
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons on LoadingReadyLive
  11. #6962
    That's how I try to live my life: everything you need, but not too much.
    — Jacob [2020-05-24]
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons on LoadingReadyLive
  12. #6961
    I love you so much, I hate you an equal amount in this moment.
    — Jacob [2020-05-24]
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons on LoadingReadyLive
  13. #6960
    So, I'm currently 60-40 leaning towards the melon.
    — Serge [2020-05-23]
    Music on LoadingReadyLive
  14. #6959
    If you can drive a plane, you can drive a train.
    — Bengineering [2018-05-24]
    Just Chatting on Bonus Stream
  15. #6958
    Ian is full of lies. "Full of lies Ian" is what I call him.
    — James [2018-05-23]
    Just Chatting on Bonus Stream
  16. #6957
    seriously I just wanna get into a fight.
    — Kathleen [2020-05-20]
    Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE on Let's NOPE
  17. #6956
    I would like you to be the instrument of your own destruction, Dale.
    — Andy [2020-05-18]
    Tabletop RPGs on Dice Friends
  18. #6955
    It feels like the correct picture to have in the bedroom of a goth house.
    — Cameron, on Girl with a pearl earring [2020-05-17]
    Animal Crossing: New Horizons on LRRMtG
  19. #6954
    This is what happens when you do stupid things.
    — James [2020-05-16]
  20. #6953
    Mmm, affection punches!
    — Ian [2020-05-13]
    Gang Beasts on Dice Friends
  21. #6952
    Where's a sausage when you need one?!
    — Cori [2020-05-13]
    Gang Beasts on Dice Friends
  22. #6951
    I was just bad, and then everyone got worse than me!
    — Cameron [2020-05-13]
    Gang Beasts on Dice Friends
  23. #6950
    I need a fleshy Mylar bag with my face on it.
    — Ian [2020-05-13]
    Gang Beasts on Dice Friends
  24. #6949
    No, my butt!
    — Bengineering [2020-05-13]
    Gang Beasts on Dice Friends
  25. #6948
    Don't make me punch your butt!
    — Ben [2020-05-13]
    Gang Beasts on Dice Friends